Friday, December 2, 2011

Boudreau quick to bounce back behind the bench

Allsports article on Bruce Boudreau bouncing back behind the bench as the Anaheim Ducks coach after only 67 hours of unemployment. Its tough on Carlyle he still gets paid

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So it didn’t take long for Bruce Boudreau to change his address and find employment in the hockey world. He is starting to make a few waves in the hockey sports news and sports on the web. In fact Boubreau was only unemployed for about 67 hours before he was snapped up by another NHL team.

Bruce Boudreau hired by Ducks to replace Randy Carlyle

The Anaheim Ducks, who are having a brutal season tied the can to their coach Randy Carlyle and brought Bruce Boudreau on board. Management thought that Boudreaus easy going nature and relaxed attitude might be just the change the team needed because they sure were not responding to Randy Carlyles regimented and strict style anymore.


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